Project topic

Clarify source and impact of a contamination by volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons on the bank of the Rhine (Quaternary and Devonian)

Contracting Party

Chemical company

Aims and scope

The aim was to reject the claims for compensation and decontamination lodged against the customer by a mineral water producer located nearby, thereby also clarifying the situation for the responsible authorities.

Project topics

  • Analyse the situation and establish the project strategy
  • Develop and demonstrate the contamination process (not caused by the chemical company involved )   
  • Analyse the daily readings taken at 50 measuring sites over a period of 16 months
  • Evaluate the necessity and options of safety measures / decontamination

Project success

We were able to prove that the contamination was not caused by the chemical company, thereby successfully rejecting the claims against them.

Project specification

Key services

Project strategy
Analysis / expert reports


Contaminated/abandoned sites


Approx. two years