Project topic

Prepare several contamination and hydraulic expert reports on residue deposits and their impact on adjacent bodies of water

Contracting Party

Power plant operating company

Aims and scope

The aim of the expert reports commissioned by a public authority on approximately 20 individual objects was to clarify whether ashes placed in opencast mines for recultivation purposes and pollutants resulting from production could be detected above ground, in neighbouring lakes or in ground water, and to evaluate the situation.

Project topics

  • Planning, execution and analysis of numerous measurements over a period of approx. five years
  • Development of a hydraulics and solute transport model
  • Preparation and presentation of expert reports to authorities


We were able to establish that any form of decontamination would be out of all proportion and that the ashes even made a valuable contribution to the environment. As a result, we saved the customer tens of millions of euros.

Project specification

Key services

Analysis / expert reports




Approx. 5 years