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Analysis / expert reports


Expert report on a salt deposit

Establish the ineffectiveness of the planned sealing of 50 boreholes at a cost of approx. €15m owing to the closure of a salt plant by building a geohydraulic model, analysis of approx. 100,000 readings, processing the well extensions and construction of a 3D density model ... more

Expert report on contamination by volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons

Clarify the source and impact of a contamination by volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons on the bank of the Rhine and reject the claims of a mineral water producer based on daily readings of the water level ... more

Expert report on geoecology

Preparation of expert reports commissioned by a public authority on residue deposits in recultivated opencast mines from the production of electricity and aluminum, based on numerous measurements and a hydraulics and solute transport model ... more

Feasibility study and development of the project in the renewable energy sector

Feasibility study, conceptual design and construction of a geothermal energy plant for a municipal local heating network, assessment of the potential geothermal heat emission and evaluation of the planned systems engineering and operation ... more

Problem evaluation relating to a landfill

Investigation of the hydraulic and geomechanical properties of a closed landfill in order to analyse its stability, plus evaluation of a leachate and ground water problem using a drilling and geophysics system ... more

Provide opinion on a contamination expert report

Carry out a validity check on several inconclusive expert reports on contamination that had been prepared for the sale of a former railway station compound, recommend a further course of action and outline possible risks ... more

Strategy development, expert reports and project management in environmental issues

Carry out the environmentally sound and economical closure of a landfill using value analysis according to DIN EN 1325 to develop a strategy for cost minimisation, bring all approval processes to completion and provide support during the project ... more